Monday, November 1, 2010

Religious Identity

"The Lord be with you"
"And also with you"
"Barauch Atah Adonai elohenu melech ha'olam"

It's interesting to see how similar we all are.  And how fascinated we are with each other.  It's caused me quite the inner struggle - how do I really identify?

For anyone who knew me back in Michigan, you'd think this was an obvious answer: I am a Catholic.  Tried and true.  Not to sound like I'm bragging, but I knew more than most people my age in my class.  I went to church 6 days out of 7 and was involved with everything.

Now I ask, what else did I know?

Religion is a fascinating course of study.  It's also a fascinating thing of life.  Ari never asked me to go to the synagogue with me; I asked him.  I was amazed.  There's nothing that I found in the English translations of the Hebrew that suggests a denial of anything I believe.  Where do I belong?

A song that was played at last Friday night's special "Shirei Shabbat" (Shabbat of Songs) says the answer to my predicament beautifully.  It is a song to Adonai (God) and says: "Oh guide my steps, and help me find my way.  I need Your shelter now, rock me in your arms and Guide my steps, and help me make this day a song of praise to You.  Rock me in your arms and guide my steps"

I pray every day that God will, in fact, guide my steps in the right direction.  Maybe I was meant to be both?  I feel spiritually fulfilled after both services.  What does that mean?!  I guess I'll just find out.

Happy All Saint's Day!

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