Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Catch-Up Game

Hey everybody!

Rule #1 of college - always, always check your email! Last night I found out one of my classes today has been cancelled because my prof is sick. Had I not known that, I couldn't have planned to play the ultra-elusive game of catch up today.

While it may seem easy, I of course am referring to catching up with my classes, which is harder than it seems. In different classes this means different things:

for World Politics, it means doing the reading he assigns today thoroughly and starting to read the news.

for Intro to Logic, the class that was cancelled today, it means a lot more. I was moved into that class at the end of last week, so I missed the whole first week of class. Thus, I have to catch up on some reading and some assignments that were posted. Finally, it means making flash cards to study by.

for Leadership Gateway, we have a briefing due on Wednesday at noon. I have a three day weekend. I won't have to worry about it after Monday.

for Microeconomics, it means getting all of my notes together, finishing off the powerpoint slides from the other day when my computer died on me (rule #2 - even if you have a Mac, bring your charger to class unless you charge your computer overnight). It also means doing the reading and making flash cards for this as well.

Finally, for Precalculus, it means getting ahead in the homework so I don't have to do it later. I would like to have it so I'm not worried about that class's homework when everything else starts heating up.

It probably sounds like I have no life right now, and I guess that's justified, but I promise - I do!!! Tomorrow night is the preview concert for the a cappella groups at AU - Treble in Paradise, On a Sensual Note, and Dime a Dozen! After the concert, Saturday I'm auditioning for Treble and Tuesday I'm auditioning for Dime a Dozen. Sunday is church (choir) and I will possibly be moving rooms this weekend! I love my roomies, but being detripled is very very exciting as there will be more space in my room and an easier time finding places for things. In addition to all of that, I'm sure I'll be spending some time with my wonderful boyfriend and potentially making an appointment at the Counseling Center.

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