Thursday, September 2, 2010

What do you think?

how reliable can random sources be?  I am currently in a debate with someone who is 100% convinced that the iPhone is coming to Verizon in January.  Can the rumors be true?  I know for me the iPhone is too expensive no matter what (I AM in college, after all) but for those who can afford it and prefer Verizon (not a good choice here at AU by the way. They have a contract with AT&T and as a result those of us with AT&T get great service while Verizon users suffer.) do you believe the rumors?  Can you believe them?  The contract with AT&T does not expire until 2012, which, from a potential attorney's standpoint, looks to me like there's nothing that can be done until then.  But look at all of the times these rumors have come about regarding the iPhone and Verizon.

what do you think?


  1. I've heard the same Jan. 2011 rumors. Seems unlikely. With Verizon going to a 4G network soon (sometime next year?) it may be that a completely new iPhone would be required. If I'd have to bet, I'd say June? 2012 is certainly a plausible answer, too. But then there's that Dec. 21st thing. Hope we get a Verizon iPhone by THEN at least so I can call all my friends as the world crumbles around me.
